miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009


Nothing's gonna change my world, except from you!
Love you so much BF, i just don't know what would i do without you. I mean, when you're not at school you just can't make an idea of me being boring! (is this making any sense? d'you understand?) Well, as i was saying. When you're not with me i feel like an emptyness in me. I feel bored, stupid and without the other pair of shoe, earring, socks or whatever. So, i come to tell you, DO NOT ever ever ever forget about the fact of you and me being almost like twins or just our friendship. Coz that's what makes ME happy. Got it? Luv ya

check out my blog: http://www.alldafuckinrubbish.blogspot.com/ (it really is rubbish haha)

(te reeeeeeee cabio la foto que puse men. o sea NIKKI Y EMILE ! el mundo de las celebridades sí que es un pañuelo JAJA ADIOS)

1 comentario:

María dijo...

te amooooooooooooo mas que a nada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
que lindo =)
vos nunca nunca te olvides que estoy siempre para todo
sos la más linda

And remember, it's better to burn out than to fade away